Why it’s Important to be Inquisitive


    Steve Jobs – a name many of us will never forget. The former Apple Inc CEO revolutionised the music, technology, and telecommunications world with the iPod, Mac and iPhone.

    One of Steve Jobs’ greatest qualities was his inquisitive nature. His curiosity inspired creativity, generated ideas, led him down new paths, and helped Apple become one of the most innovative brands in the world.

    Being inquisitive is not only important for innovators like Jobs; students too can benefit from having an inquisitive mind.

    The mind of an inquisitive person is always active. They are constantly asking questions and searching for answers, continuously exercising their minds. If you’re that person in class who always puts their hand up, asking a question that stirs up laughter, a sigh, or both from classmates, always remember that: “The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life”.

    Studies have shown that curiosity positively correlates with intelligence. Because, quite simply, the more you ask, the more you know. Other studies have shown that high levels of curiosity are linked to greater analytical ability and problem-solving skills. Even revision can be made more enjoyable with a curious mind.  Curious people approach a challenge from multiple angles. They seek alternative ways of accomplishing the same task, making it that little bit different from what everyone else is doing.   

    Why do we learn so much as children? Because we were once unapologetically inquisitive. Once upon a time, we asked: ‘Why is the sky blue?’ ‘How are babies made?’ and ‘What makes planes stay up in the air’? Age has removed our inquisitive natures and planted inhibitions where confidence once lived.

    So how can you become more inquisitive?

    Be open minded

    Being inquisitive means being open to learn and to unlearn.

    Dig Deeper

    There is so much in this world to discover, but if you’re content with what you already know, you will miss half of it.


    Reading expands your mind and introduces you to new concepts, ideas and viewpoints.

    Ask silly questions

    Don’t be afraid to say what everyone else is probably thinking. The most trivial questions can sometimes be very powerful and unlock new conversations.

    Less Google, more humans

    We all love Google and the wealth of information it provides. However, you can learn just as much, if not more, by asking a human the same questions you would ask a search engine. Instead of ‘googling it later’, head to a local library or ask a teacher about that interesting fact you’re dying to know more about.

    Remove the word boring from your vocabulary

    A curious person always wants to try something new. Whenever you label something as boring, you close a door of possibilities. See each opportunity as a portal to an exciting new world.

    Curiosity killed the cat, not the student, so if you’re one of those people blessed to have an inquisitive mind then embrace it.


    1 comment:

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    • So not only will arousing students’ curiosity help them remember lessons that might otherwise go in one ear and out the other, but it can also make the learning experience as pleasurable as ice cream or pocket money. Of course, most teachers already instinctively know the importance of fostering inquisitive minds, but to have science back it up is undeniably satisfying.

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