UK Schools Advisory

We can help you find the best school for your child at the appropriate entry point; this includes entry at 7+, 11+, 13+ and the sixth form.
Mr William Rees. Associate Consultant UK Schools.
- With over 35 years experience in UK independent education, as well as a former Housemaster and Head of Admissions at Eton College, Mr William Rees draws upon his expertise and knowledge to offer bespoke, impartial and conflict-free advice to parents who are uncertain about their education options.
- Mr Rees can make recommendations for senior schools, prep schools or pre-prep schools to visit within a given geographical area and in relation to the particular student’s personality, aptitudes and aspirations.
- During the one-to-one consultation, Mr Rees explains exactly how the UK independent education system works, makes recommendations, and provides information on the registration process and deadlines.
- For parents with a number of different options, Mr Rees can clarify and advise on the best school for a particular child, by highlighting potential benefits and drawbacks, and guiding you through the decision making process.
- Our Approach: We only work in the best interests of our client. Our interests are entirely aligned with those of our client. We have no particular inclination towards one school over another. This complete impartiality and sole focus on our client’s best interests is one of the ways we distinguish ourselves from our competitors. We are well connected but we are not tied or bound to any school in any way whatsoever.
Our former students have been accepted into these schools

Schools Advisory: Recent Case Studies
Both boys accepted to leading London day schools for Years 4 and 7 for September 2017. Year 7 boy offered a conditional place at Eton.
Schools Advisory for a British family unexpectedly relocating back to the UK. The family wanted to send their two boys to a leading London prep school for entry into Year 4 and 7 with the ultimate goal of securing entry to Eton. We were approached in March, over 12 months past the application deadlines, to try and arrange entry to a top London prep school for September of the same year. We approached a range of top London day schools, spoke to the Admissions Departments over a number of weeks, represented the family to the schools, arranged private visits and prepared the boys for the prep school entrance exams. We also helped prepare the Year 7 student for the Eton entrance tests.
All 5 children received places started their new schools in September 2016
Guidance, advice and bespoke tuition programme for a Russian family who required a complete road map for their 5 children (aged 2-12) and were late in applying to schools. Education was the only reason for the family relocating to the UK. Under very tight time pressure (all deadlines had already passed), we outlined the options open to the family, contacted prep school and senior school Admissions Departments, organised one-to-one family visits to several “clusters” of schools across the UK, arranged for registrations and applications to be submitted and conducted a tuition programme for the summer.
Both girls admitted to a leading IB day school for September 2016
UK schools advisory and consultancy for a Greek family. The family decided to relocate to the UK in 2016 and they required an IB school for their two daughters who were in Years 7 and 9. They were flexible on where to live in England so we researched a number of potential IB schools in different areas, contacted Admissions Departments, shortlisted schools that had availability and then we organised the registrations, accompanied the family on school visits and guided them throughout the whole process. This was a particularly complex assignment because of the unusual entry points (Years 8 and 10).
Within 16 days, family had won a place at a top London prep school for Sept-16 with a full bursary
UK schools advisory for a British family. Their boy, who is in Year 5, was taken out of private school in Year 4 and put into a local state school for Year 5. Family required two things (1) exploring if there was any availability at top prep schools for Year 6 entry even though all deadlines had passed (2) a substantial bursary. We contacted 15-20 prep school Admissions Departments and shortlisted 3-4 prep schools that did have space. We then proceeded to “sell” the family as a viable bursary candidate to the prep schools. A tuition programme was also organised for the boy in preparation for the prep school’s entrance exams.