US University admissions
My Tutor Club is a leader in US university admissions consulting. We provide expert guidance and support for students at every stage of their application to the leading US universities.

At My Tutor Club we have an outstanding track record of improving a student’s chances of acceptance into a university of their choice
Since 2011, 89% of our students have been accepted into either their first or second choice of UK university.
Our success rate is down to applying a rigorous approach while also tailoring the process to the student’s individual needs and requirements.
The My Tutor Club approach
Strategy and Planning: devising the roadmap
- We will work with you to devise a plan, almost like a timetable, that clearly lays out the key milestones that need to be reached throughout the entire application process.
- Depending on how much time we have until the deadlines, we can build some flexibility into the timetable to prepare for any unforeseen delays during the application process.
- The timetable will clarify when key deliverables such as reference letters, application essays and/or personal statement need to be achieved by.
- Which exam to take: ACT or SAT?
- Remember that preparation and planning are the keys to success.
University degree and course selection
- Provide independent, expert and constructive feedback on selecting the best portfolio of US universities to apply to.
- Admissions tutors want applicants who can demonstrate a real passion and motivation to study and can articulate their interests both in the course(s) and in their extra-curricular activities.
- We will advise you on selecting a number of universities that reflects your ambitions and full potential but at the same time is not too risky.
- Once a portfolio of universities has been selected, we will then draw up a plan of action, complete with major milestones for test preparation and essay drafting, to meet the final submission deadlines.
Admissions Test Preparation (SAT v ACT)
- We offer private tuition for UK students taking SATs or ACT.
- Our tutors have experience in preparing students for the SAT I, SAT II Subject Tests and ACT.
- Our tutors have experience and a track record of success in improving performance and achievement.
- Our tutors guide and advise students on exam technique and how best to approach SAT I, SAT II Subject Tests and ACT. These exams are different to GCSEs, A-levels and IB.
- The tutorials will also provide you with the opportunity to revise your strategy for approaching questions and to evaluate your performance in mock tests as well as reviewing the type of questions that you find more challenging.
Drafting of application essays
- We will guide you through drafting your admission essays and personal statement to ensure that it reflects your academic potential.
- Be prepared to write a lot! We will draft and redraft and redraft until we have a compact and polished statement and/or set of essays that cover and address your complete profile.
- Our approach to writing the personal statement is to reflect on your unique story. We call this stage of the process “profile branding;” in other words we craft the core messages that we want the admissions committee to know about you.
- Once we know your core messages, we can then decide which of your past experiences to highlight, assess what stories will make you stand out, brainstorm essay topics, write drafts and finalise a polished product.
Recommendation letter support
- Based on your profile, your experience and your ambitions, we will advise you on potential referees who will best represent you.
- Plan early: We know that we can rely on you to organise all your materials on time, but for reference writers who have a long list of other priorities, approaching them early is key.
- Advice will be given to referees so that their story of you and their representation of you ties in seamlessly with the other parts of your application. It is imperative that the whole application “hangs well” as a complete unit.
Our former students have been accepted into the below universities