The Best Websites For Helping With Your Studies


    There’s a number of great resources available for students to make the process of studying easier, and we look below at some of the best websites for helping with your studies.


    You may be told that Wikipedia isn’t always a reliable source, and while this can be true, it is also true that many articles written on certain subjects have been written by some of the world’s most knowledgeable people. Don’t discard Wikipedia, simply use it with caution as it can be very good for the early stages of your research. Also make use of the references at the bottom of each page for inspiration on where to go next with your research.

    KeepMeOut will block out any website of your choice for a set period of time, allowing you to focus on your studies rather than be distracted by social media.


    KeepMeOut’s blocking tool. Source:

    edX is one of the world’s top massive open online courses (MOOC) for University level. Offering both free and paid courses in a wide range of subjects and disciplines, edX is a great source for taking your learning one step further.


    EasyBib makes the process of referencing easier by allowing you to create a citation simply by scanning a book barcode with your smartphone camera. This can then be exported to your email, where you can then add it directly into your essay.


    This handy website uses the science behind REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycles to calculate what the optimum time is for you to either wake up in the morning or to go to sleep at night. Getting more sleep doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be more awake the next day, so SleepyTi will help to ensure you’ll feel fresh and ready for your daily studies.


    How SleepyTi works. Source:


    Dropbox offers cloud storage that allows you to create files and folders on any device, which can then be synced across all your devices. Not only will this allow you to upload work from a library computer to then view when you get home, but it’s a great tool for backing up work, ensuring you’ll never lose any files again.


    Coggle is a free mind-mapping website, allowing you to easily create clear and concise notes which you can then share with fellow classmates or students. Offering premium upgrades as well, Coggle will make the process of brainstorming, researching and note-taking much easier.


    An example of a Coggle. Source:

    Your Own University or College Website

    Be sure to check out what learning resources are available on your college or university website as quite often these provide handy insights.

    These websites will help to make the process of studying smoother, but if you need some extra support with your studies, get in contact with us.
